Deploy Discipline

Online Counselling, psychosocial work, education, personal development, reflecting, raising self-awareness, self-discipline, positive attitude, personal growth.

Exploring the difficulties that you have, pain or dissatisfaction with life, loss of sense of direction and purpose, emotional expression and overwhelming 

Processing previous and accepting new experiences, achieving the desired change in emotional reactions, thinking, behavior and relationships with ourselves, others and the world around us.

Why Choose Me ?

Deploy Discipline in stock trading - Process not instant solution.

Whether you're novice or experts in stock trading ( stocks, bonds, options, futures or commodities ) you are unique and intrinsically valuable person. 

Everyone have ability to think for themselves and make their own life decisions. You are in charge of your own life.

Deploy Discipline offers Online Counselling, psychosocial work, education and performance coaching  that involves talking one-on-one to others and facilitating them in processing their experience.

Deploy Discipline aim at the development and growth of people and their frame of reference, mainly through restructuring of currently available resources and interventions that make additional resources available.

Transaction analysis, a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change,  is developmentally informed model that support changes in affective, cognitive. behavioral and relationship dimensions.

About Me

Zoran Djurdjevic, 45 years old, married, father of two children. Live and work in Indjija, Serbia. I worked in the Army, today I'm entrepreneur and owner of small company, day trader and Transactional Analysis ( TA ) Counsellor.  

TA is psychoanalytic  theory developed by Eric Berne as system of psychotherapy based on the analysis of transactions and chains of transactions which occur during treatment sessions. 

Basic concept of Transactional Analysis :  ego state ( Child - Adult - Parent ), stroke, script, episcript, driver, injunction, racket, transactions, games, symbiosis . . .